2025 Arcade Vendors
One More Favor from Our Jan 2025 Arcade Vendors
Hello Jan 2025 Buckeye Wedding Expo Vendors,
I have asked a lot from you during this show and I truly appreciate everything. I have one more ask if you have time.
With a new show trust in the company producing the expo is extremely important. We are asking any vendors that felt the show was successful to share that positive feedback by submitting a google review for the Buckeye Wedding Expo. Here is the link to submit:
If you have constructive feedback or ways we can make the show better please give us the opportunity to hear and respond to that feedback privately via personal message to me.
Thank you again and I hope the dates are filling up and you are dreading Summer and Fall with no weekends off :-)
Shawn Huey
Buckeye Wedding Expo / Legacy Event Group
937-414-0079 /
by Buckeye Wedding Expo - 12:26 - 5 Feb 2025 -
Expo Photos and Headshots from the Jan 2025 Buckeye Wedding Expo
Hello Vendors of the Jan 2025 Buckeye Wedding Expo,
The Buckeye Wedding Expo cares about our vendors and we want to continue to showcase you even after the show is over. We had two fantastic photographers take photos of vendors talking to attendees and the fashion show. Sarah from Sarah Babcock Studio and Mary from Childer's Photography have given us some great photos we would like to share with you! The link below will allow you to see all the photos and download your favorites.
Inside this shared folder is also a folder of the headshots that Sarah took. They downloaded a little out of order so make sure to look through all of them to get all of your headshots. Taking headshots was Sarah's idea but she agreed to allow us to adopt this service at each of our shows. I think it is a great value add for all of our vendors at future Buckeye Wedding Expos.
We are still working on the specifics and will be ready to announce the Buckeye Vendor Network soon! I hope everyone will join as we learn and grow together!
Shawn Huey / Owner
Buckeye Wedding Expo / Legacy Event Group
937-414-0079 /
by Buckeye Wedding Expo - 04:00 - 24 Jan 2025-
Re: Expo Photos and Headshots from the Jan 2025 Buckeye Wedding Expo
Hello everyone,With the order being mixed up Sarah and I wanted to give everyone the link to her website where they are in order. It's much prettier and you can download the headshots from there as well.Shawn Huey
Legacy Event Group
(937)414-0079 Fri, Jan 24, 2025, 4:00 PM <> wrote:Hello Vendors of the Jan 2025 Buckeye Wedding Expo,
The Buckeye Wedding Expo cares about our vendors and we want to continue to showcase you even after the show is over. We had two fantastic photographers take photos of vendors talking to attendees and the fashion show. Sarah from Sarah Babcock Studio and Mary from Childer's Photography have given us some great photos we would like to share with you! The link below will allow you to see all the photos and download your favorites.
Inside this shared folder is also a folder of the headshots that Sarah took. They downloaded a little out of order so make sure to look through all of them to get all of your headshots. Taking headshots was Sarah's idea but she agreed to allow us to adopt this service at each of our shows. I think it is a great value add for all of our vendors at future Buckeye Wedding Expos.
We are still working on the specifics and will be ready to announce the Buckeye Vendor Network soon! I hope everyone will join as we learn and grow together!
Shawn Huey / Owner
Buckeye Wedding Expo / Legacy Event Group
937-414-0079 /
by Legacy Event Group - 04:26 - 24 Jan 2025
Attendees From Buckeye Wedding Expo That Oped in for Email Marketing
Hello Vendors of the Jan 2025 Buckeye Wedding Expo,
Thank you for exhibiting at the Buckeye Wedding Expo, I hope you made many great connections with engaged couples and vendors !
From all available metrics the inaugural Expo was a huge success and that is due in large part to you and your support. We had about 500 people get tickets for the expo with 437 attending the show. Of that amount 157 unique registrants agreed to Opt into email marketing from vendors at the show. That list is attached to this email.We give everyone registering the choice to opt in or opt out and by the numbers, you can tell that many do opt out. For those that have agreed to receive email marketing please adhere to all legal requirements of email marketing especially the ability to unsubscribe attached to every email you send out.
We will be announcing a Buckeye Wedding Pros networking group in the next few weeks. With an emphasis on education, motivation, and support this networking group will be aimed at uplifting our industry and challenging each of us to make our brands and companies stronger. More to come very soon!
We had a great suggestion from Jennifer Gilman on how to keep our social media engaging between shows. We will be inviting vendors that exhibit at our show to do a social media takeover for a few weeks. This will allow you to expand your reach on our socials while giving us interesting things to post throughout the year, Win Win! Thanks Jennifer for the great idea!
I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting us during this show. If you have any feedback that we can use to make future shows better please let me know with a personal email at
Now we invite you all to put the same support and energy into the Prime Time Party Rental Open House coming up on March 1st. Hope to see you all there !
Shawn Huey / Owner
Buckeye Wedding Expo / Legacy Event Group
937-414-0079 /
by Buckeye Wedding Expo - 02:49 - 22 Jan 2025 -
Load in for The Buckeye Wedding Show Starts Tomorrow
Hello Vendors,
Load In / Floor plan / and more: We have been working hard to get everything ready for you to start loading in tomorrow (Friday Jan 10th) Sign up sheet for load in seems to be working well and we will be on hand to help get you in from the cold and out of the dock or alley as quickly as possible. The Alley load in has a significant amount of Ice that despite salting several times has laughed at us and remains a danger. Please be careful! For more information on load in and other items see the vendor event link below: Media: Thank you so much for everyone that has shared and promoted our social media posts. Along with the other marketing tools in place we are gaining great traction. Please help us with one more push sometime tomorrow to make sure everyone knows about the Buckeye Wedding Expo! We got a lot of great response from sending an email out to our current clients offering them the free ticket promo code.
Grand Prizes Giveaway: At other shows a grand prize vacation trip is given away after each fashion show. We were contacted by the company who sponsors that grand prize and they offered the same to us. I was appalled to learn the stipulations of that "Grand Prize" In short it is a timeshare like scheme where you have to pay for almost everything and then sit through a seminar while on your "honeymoon / vacation" I WILL NOT DO THAT TO OUR GUESTS! But.......
Door Prizes: We would love to give away a few door prizes. This is not too formal of a process. You tell us what you want to offer and we draw a name and announce a winner. Pretty simple :-)
Please email, text, or write down a door prize you would like to give away. Door prizes are given away at the beginning of the runway show at 4PM.Resale Area: We have a few vendors selling items in the resale area. If you have any wedding items that you would like to sell please let me know and you can have a table in the resale area for free! We have a person down there during the show and she will sell them for you, just name the price and if it sells she will collect the money and give it to you. It's an easy way to get rid of older items and make room for more stuff in 2025!
Vendor Party / SAT 5PM to 8PM: The Networking event is for all Dayton area wedding vendors. Even if they are not in the show, invite them! Just a few hours of pizza, beer & wine, and games to connect with all of our vendor friends. See you all there!
That's all for now!
Shawn Huey / Owner
Buckeye Wedding Expo / Legacy Event Group
937-414-0079 /
by Buckeye Wedding Expo - 12:05 - 10 Jan 2025 -
Buckeye Wedding Expo's Growing Pains
Hello Vendors,
I hope this email finds you well and planning the weekend with us at the Dayton Arcade. Those that know me well have heard me talk 1000 times about all the things I would do to make wedding shows better. Now that I am here, I am reminded of a quote by Winston Churchill "If you are going through hell, keep going" LOL
Changing this part of the industry is absolutely an uphill battle. We are in uncharted waters for the Dayton area; charging for entry, collecting attendees budget, new wedding show, holding it at a venue, new time, only event vendors, name badges, shortened fashion show, large showcases....I could go on and on, but suffice to say we are doing things differently.
Multiple billboards are up, internet radio spots, Channel 99.9 radio ads, google adwords, social media boosts, 2 TV morning show spots, and much more are going on right now, but your continued support is crucial !
Please share, share, share and invite any engaged couples with your promo codes.Now on to the updates......
- I am getting a lot of setup and load in questions. Most of the answers (including a form to reserve your load in time and location) can be found on the vendor info page for the event: - PLEASE REVIEW THE FLOORPLAN AND YOUR INVOICE TO ENSURE YOU HAVE RESERVED TABLE(S) AND ELECTRIC IF NEEDED! Contact us with updates and requests as stock is limited day of.
- We discovered that many of the emails we were sending were going to spam due to a misconfiguration in our software. That is corrected so I hope this email makes it to the intended in boxes.
- Vendor mixer on Sat after the show is for ALL VENDORS in this area, not just ones exhibiting at the show. Enjoy some pizza and alcohol as everyone to comes together to network and tell your best "happened a wedding story" to a new vendor friend. Flyers will be coming soon!
- Photographers and florists are strongly encouraged to submit a sample of your work in the Photo and Floral Galleries. If your in one of those categories we will be sending an email out to you soon with more details.
That's all for tonight but more to come soon!
Shawn Huey / Owner
Buckeye Wedding Expo / Legacy Event Group
937-414-0079 /
by Buckeye Wedding Expo - 09:17 - 7 Jan 2025 - I am getting a lot of setup and load in questions. Most of the answers (including a form to reserve your load in time and location) can be found on the vendor info page for the event:
Here's What We NEED!
Attention Vendors! We are only 5 days away! :-)
This week, it's very important to help push the show to gain more attendees and greater your booking odds. We have also created promo codes for you to share with your followers. This will allow you to give the first 25 people who use the promo code free tickets. The promo code will be your business name, but you can reach out to us for the specifics. Help your followers find the perfect wedding vendors for their big day!
We definitely recommend sending an email to all your current clients inviting them to the show with the promo code!
PROMOTE! Here is a link to a google drive page where you are able to download and use all types of social media posts and ad's to share on your page -
We also need your Quick Bits as soon as possible! The snow has put a damper on the option for us to record you. We recommend taking a quick opportunity to record your quick bit and share it directly with us. The previously recorded ones are available through the above google drive link. Sarah Babcock recorded her own and you can use hers for reference.
For example, I would start by saying , I'm (firstname) with (company name) and here is your Buckeye Quick Bit. Provide the tip, and why it's important. Then the closing by saying again i'm (first name) and you can find more information about us at (website, social media, etc.) I look forward to hearing about you event. BOOM, that's it. Easy Peasy! ;-)
If you require a table, electric or internet make sure its on your invoice. We will be making the order for those add on's very soon!
Brandon / Buckeye Wedding Expo / Legacy Event Group
937-414-0079 /
by Buckeye Wedding Expo - 01:27 - 6 Jan 2025 -
Vendor Welcome and Updates
Hello Vendors!
We are in the final stage of prep for the Buckeye Wedding Expo! I can’t stress enough how many things we are handling differently at this show, but it’s all in the spirit of changing the stale formula used by past wedding shows. Here are some important details for the upcoming show, please read carefully!
- An update on booth sizes - Originally we listed the booths at 10ft wide and 6ft deep trying to maximize the space inside the Arcade Rotunda. We decided the floorplan was too crowded and reconfigured it. New booth sizes will be 10 ft wide by 10ft deep.
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: - We have decided to not do 3ft pipe and drape separators between booths as it gives too much of a trade show feeling.
- We will also not have pipe and drape backing on any booth that backs up against a wall as there is already drape hanging there. Pipe and drape backing will be provided for booths without walls behind them.
- If you are in a location that doesn’t have pipe and drape you can request it and we will provide it, but I encourage you to be open to change and see it from the guests point of view.
- Information online: Most information like load-in, floorplan, and show details can be found online. There is an event page setup for each show. You can find it on the website by clicking Exhibitors-get a booth, then choose the show date and location. This will be updated as information / questions arise so check it first if you have a question.
For you reference here is a link:
- Social Media: Sharing and promoting the event on social media is extremely important as we try to change the show culture. Multiple billboards are up on I-75 and next week we go live with radio ads and two local T.V. segments. Here is the link to a folder with many prepared social media posts for all platforms.
- Promo Codes: To support the push we are also providing each vendor with a unique Promo Code for free tickets. The promo code is your company name (caps and small letters will both work) and it can be shared with current clients or as a limited release on social media. This Promo Code will be your business name, and can be up to 25 free tickets per vendor. If you're unclear about your promo code please let us know and we will send it to you.
- Quick Bits are also currently running on our pages and they will continue to be boosted leading up to the show. If you haven’t already scheduled or submitted your Quick Bit, you can do so HERE!
Don’t miss this opportunity to get even more visibility for your business! - Reminder on door prizes: If you have any Door Prizes that you would like to include, please provide those to us as soon as possible. We do encourage vendors to participate and include some sort of door prize as they offer an additional way to gain exposure to attendants. These can consist of a variety of i tems, so be creative!
- Vendor Party on Saturday After the Show: Don’t forget about the vendor after party following the expo on Saturday evening 5PM to 8PM. This is for ALL VENDORS in any capacity of ANY EVENT COMPANY! Too often many of these unsung heroes are working vendor mixers and we want everyone to enjoy a few hours of laid back fun with industry friends. Join us for games, drinks, appetizers and most importantly comradery and conversation!
More Updates to come, Stay Tuned!
Shawn Huey / Owner
Buckeye Wedding Expo / Legacy Event Group
937-414-0079 /
by Shawn Huey - 05:50 - 5 Jan 2025 - An update on booth sizes - Originally we listed the booths at 10ft wide and 6ft deep trying to maximize the space inside the Arcade Rotunda. We decided the floorplan was too crowded and reconfigured it. New booth sizes will be 10 ft wide by 10ft deep.